Plastic Pots for Bonsai Nursery Stock
Most people put plants into bonsai pots much to soon in their development stage and whilst this may improve the look of the tree it will seriously retard it's development as bonsai.
These 'half' style pots are used in professional bonsai production nurseries across the world. They are deeper than bonsai pots and offer a good balance for developing plants into bonsai. Just the right depth to allow good soil drainage and nutrient retention but shallow enough to develop a flat root system for the future and they look great in the garden.
Experience dramatically higher growth rates compared to bonsai pots.
Strong, rigid, silk finish terracotta coloured, UV stabilised plastic with a multitude of good sized drainage holes and a ring of feet that lift the pot just enough to allow drainage of excess water. The PERFECT pots for establishing collected material and developing plants as bonsai trees.
EU produced product.
Available in the following sizes:
6" 170mm diameter, 75mm depth
8" 200mm diameter, 90mm depth
9" 230mm diameter, 100mm depth
10" 270mm diameter, 120mm depth
12" 300mm diameter, 130mm depth
14" 350mm diameter, 150mm depth