Bonsai Tree Care Information

Here we present a series of bonsai care articles and related items

The end result of bonsai tree care

Compiled and written by Graham Potter over the last few years. Based on Graham's experience with thousands of bonsai trees from all around the world. Bonsai care is a confusing subject, especially for beginners. Graham's unique no nonsense style of writing and insight will cut through all the nonsense and go straight to the heart of the issue.

Here at Kaizen Bonsai we believe a basic understanding of science and horticultural practice is important in order to build a successful knowledge base upon which to found and care for your bonsai. Within these articles you will find a unique approach and information that will cut right to the heart of the matter.

These are all based on personal experience and many years of experimentation and ultimately success with bonsai trees.


Take a look at my list of guides and useful Bonsai tree care information:


 Bonsai Videos Bonsai Articles


Need some help with Bonsai? Take a look at our Bonsai Workshops or give us a call on: +44(0)1493 781834