Public Bonsai Demonstrations
I am happy to tackle most subjects as you require. Previous demonstrations have included the following. Again please feel free to contact me to discuss your ideas.
- Carving techniques for bonsai using power tools.
- The creation of deadwood using hand tools.
- The cultivation/styling and refinement of junipers.
- The cultivation/styling and refinement of pines.
- The cultivation/styling and refinement of taxus baccatta - English yew.
- The cultivation/styling and refinement of olive trees.
- Collecting, preparing and development of raw material.
- A critique of members trees.
- A profile on native deciduous species.
- A profile of Mediterranean trees for bonsai.
- How to style bonsai trees, a practical demonstration.
A few comments received after public demonstrations
The Bonsai World needs more like You !!!!
J.C Yamaki Bonsai club. New York.
Thoroughly enjoyed your seminar on Friday, and the short class on Saturday.
F.H HoYoKu School of Bonsai. Mass' USA
Thanks for a very inspiring demo last night, excellent.
A.B Bedford Bonsai society.
It was good to spend the time with you - I learned a lot.
C.L Salem Mass' USA.
Everybody loved your demo and work here. Great job. Thank you once more.
M.N Bonsai Association Belgium.

Carving Demonstration
Bonsai Association Belgium.
(That pig's cruisin' for a bruisin')