- Long reach bonsai wire cutting shears
- A revolutionary new wire cutting shear.
- Makes light work of cutting bonsai wire light to medium gauges.
- Cuts aluminium and copper wire with ease.
- The best tool for removing wire from bonsai trees.
- 210mm overall length.
Long Reach Bonsai Wire Cutting Shears - Stainless Steel Bonsai Tools
Regular wire cutting scissors lack power when cutting right in the tip. These powerful long reach wire cutting shears are the best solution we have seen to date, designed to cut right up to the tip for removing wire from branches without damaging bark. The tool has long thin handles for improving access within the canopy of bonsai. For use with light to medium calliper wires. Sits beautifully in the hand and is a joy to use. Designed for professional use these beautiful tools will last a lifetime if cared for correctly. See Graham's Guide To Caring For Bonsai Tools, coming soon.
210mm overall length.
Bonsai Tools Cutting Guide.
Use for cutting bonsai training wire up to 4mm in aluminium and 3mm in copper. Heavier wires can be cut in the back of the tool where the jaws are more powerful.