Moler Clay 5-7mm - Bonsai Aquaculture Succulent Growing Media
- Biosorb - Ultrazorb - Danish Pink are all aliases of this wonderful product
- 5-7mm mesh graded to produce an approximate particle size close to this range
- Guaranteed safe for horticultural use (unlike some cat litter products)
- Information on how Kaizen Bonsai soil products are described, graded & packaged
Known by a huge variety of names and branded in lots of different ways, Biosorb - Ultrazorb - Danish Pink - Terramol - Sophisticat - Sanicat are all aliases of this wonderful product. Our product is certified by the factory to be safe for use in horticulture and aquaculture (many cat litter products are not). NO HARMFUL ADDITIVES. This calcined hard clay product holds a staggering amount of moisture (ower 100% of it's dry weight) whilst still allowing good air circulation within the pot.
MOLER can be sieved out of old soil and re-used time and again. Used in place of grit it promotes drainage, retains moisture, is warm, light weight and frost proof and most, importantly holds onto nutrients from fertiliser. No sieving required so no waste.
A fantastic addition to your soil mix, really allows bonsai soil to breath.
Moler should be mixed with other products to produce a viable growing media for bonsai. Used alone the pH of the product is unsuitable for promoting good plant health and growth.
5-7mm mesh graded to produce an approximate particle size close to this range.
The colour of this material will vary depending upon the moisture content. Pictures are for illustration and represent what the product typically looks like.
Information on how Kaizen Bonsai soil products are described, graded & packaged
To find out mor about bonsai soils and their use see: Choosing Soil for Bonsai Trees